The rectangular format of these works on paper allow the artist to work in a more traditional vocabulary, exploring spatial relationships within each piece
The artist uses the acrylic medium to combine surfaces ranging from thin, watercolor-like layers of paint to heavy impasto.
- Nacional Dream, 24″ x 30″
- Milano Laundry, 30″ x 40″
- View from Fusters, 24″ x 30″
- Vedado House, 22″ x 30″
- Cuban Statehouse, 22″ x30″
- 21st and M, 30″ x 22″
- Havana Upward Bound, 30″ x 22″
- Havana Window, 30″ x 22″
- Neptuno St., 40″ x 26″
- Cuban Stairs III, 40″ x 26″
- La Guarida Maid, 22″ x 30″
- Concordia Staircase, 30″ x 22″
- Banana Tree, 22″ x 30″
- Construction Site, 30″ x 40″
- Cuban Maize, 22″ x 30″
- Last Stand, 30″ x 40″, Collection of Jack Love and Colleen Conley
- Protective Marti, 24″ x 30″
- Reflective Marti, 30″ x 40″
- Marti Overlooking the Sea, 22″ x 30″
- Art Deco Marti, 30″ x 22″
- Daytime Supervielle, 30″ x 22″
- Nighttime Supervielle, 30″ x 22″
- Profile Supervielle, 30″ x 22″
- 18th Century Hero, 30″ x 22″
- Arias, 30″ x 22″
- Arias Sentinel, 30″ x 22″
- Malacon Sunrise, 22″ x 30″, Collection Beverly Mortensen
- Seeking Marti, 30″ x 22″
- Waiting, 26″ x 40
- Vancouver Alley, 30″ x 22″
- Undergrowth, 30″ x 40″